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1. Models, HMUA's, Designers, etc. are welcome to present images that they wish to have reviewed for publication consideration.  However if you are chosen, please be advised that due to copyright reasons you will need to involve your photographer in completing your submission.  This is so they can sign off on publishing the images, absolving us of any potential copyright claims, as well as provide us with the necessary, high resolution files as photographers typically have access to these.


2. The following types of images are not accepted/permitted under any circumstances: cell phone pictures, screenshots, train tracks pictures, full nudity and/or porn (depending on theme and if an 18 and up only issue, implied nudity may be considered).


3. By submitting, you agree and acknowledge that you have permission from all members of your creative team to publish the images and if accepted, that you are granting Worldwide Models Magazine permission to feature your images in both print and digital formats, as well as online/on social media. If your submission is accepted, please be advised that you will be provided with a Publication Release form which must be filled out and signed by Photographer and Model alike, or if the Model is under 18 years of age Parent/Legal Guardian in lieu (NOTE: If you can provide us with an applicable, signed Model Release it will not be necessary to have the Model's section on the form filled out). This release will also include a "credits" section for the issue you have been chosen for, please make sure all spellings, etc. are correct in this section as the printed credits will be pulled directly from here as provided. Anyone who is found to be submitting an image/images that they do not hold the copyright to, and attempting to pass it off as their own will be banned from submitting going forward, permanently and indefinitely (in other words, no attempting to claim stolen images as your own).


4. Please be advised that Worldwide Models Magazine does not give out free copies, however a badge to use for your social media pages and/or website will be provided by way of email, along with a link to preview and/or purchase when the issue you were selected for is released. Additionally, tear sheets will be made available and provided 2 weeks after the issue's release for your portfolio (please make sure to forward your tear sheets to all members of your creative team so all involved can have that for their portfolios as well).


By clicking the link below to submit, you acknowledge and agree to abide by our submission policies and terms/conditions as outlined above.


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